Saturday, June 29, 2013

Aspie Child Crossing: Street Trouble

Just having got back from this walk with Tessie, I can remember every detail.

Tess enjoyed herself very much, that's for sure. However, I did not.

Thankfully, she never left my side.

First off was the silver Ford F-150 going the wrong way down our street--after signalling that it was about to turn to go the correct way. The Do Not Enter signs have been up for at least ten years. Yet people still disobey them on a daily basis.

Next came the horrible feeling of the slack leash as it brushed against the pavement. Tessie was behaving herself well enough that it didn't bother me at first, but as soon as I felt it, I started freaking out. Tessie came closer to me, immediately ending the horror of the leash. But just to make sure, I wrapped the leash around her chest (a trick I've developed to get rid of the slack) and the problem did not repeat.

Then came the muskrat. Put simply, Tessie took no notice. I was happy. Oh, do you want the full story? Well, the muskrat was at the house of a West Highland White Terrier. It will be gone within a few days if that dog takes notice. Therefore, Tessie knew it was not her prey to chase. Because of the fact that she didn't go chasing it, I was happy.

After that was the Yorkie house. Two kids were outside doing gymnastics, so Tessie wanted to say hello. But I didn't bother, knowing that she wasn't going to care very much. She hasn't even begun sulking, so I think it's fine.

Next, there was no one at the park. No one. That is crazy rare, and since Tessie only does her tricks for an audience, we just turned around for the walk home.

Oh, and did I mention the constant firecrackers the whole way to the park? Yeah, Tessie hated them.

But as soon as we turned back, things went better. We got home without a hitch (other than the extremely annoying rock in my right shoe). Tessie is now laying by my side as I type this. I may not have enjoyed the walk much, but Tessie performs extremely well under the most extraordinary of circumstances.

Now, if only she would quit jumping on people...

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